HOA Board

NGE SignThe goal of the Nottingham Gate Estates Board is to establish our community as a premier neighborhood in Hudson. We will do this by improving and managing our collective assets in a fiscally responsible manner in order to drive property values up and provide the community with opportunities to interact with each other.

Contact the Board

New Residents 

Important information, including neighborhood newsletters, is communicated primarily by email. Please use our contact form to provide your email address and phone number to the Board.

Communications are often posted to our private Facebook group. When you join, you will be asked to enter your street address when requesting membership to this group in order to verify current residency.  It is used in no other way than to verify your residency in our neighborhood.

As a new resident, you will also be provided a username & login for our resident portal.  This is where important HOA documents are stored, as well as our resident contact database.  Please apply for a login after you have closed on your new NGE home.

NGE HOA Bylaws